COMPUTER INVENTION: A REALLY, REALLY BRIEF HISTORYAre you ready? A really, really, really brief history of computer invention.
The first “computer” of any merit was Man’s use of his brain and ten fingers (and maybe ten toes - since he probably was barefoot). But with this “computer,” there was no record kept. The next step, of course, was to put stones, or sticks, or shells, or what have you into a row to match what Man was counting - thus - a record - not too permanent - but a record that could be put into a jar, or bag, or other holding device. The Chinese - often thinking ahead of the rest of the world - began to think more abstractly. They developed the Abacus - the first step toward a “computer.”
![]() As you can see - the traditional Chinese abacus is built with two sections. The upper section has two beads on each horizontal bar - and below - on the same bar there are five beads in the lower section. each upper bead represents a hand (two hands) and the lower beads represent fingers (five fingers). With the abacus - the Chinese had developed a way to have 26 hands - instead of just two - for their counting. Still no permanent record - but a quick way to count. For more info on the abacus go to: THE CHINESE ABACUS COMPUTER INVENTION Jumping waaaay ahead - we come to the invention that begins the modern era - punch cards. MORE COMPUTER INVENTION WITH The Jaquard Loom.